- No Action Host System & Integration Connection
No Action Host System/Integration Connection
The No Action Host System and Integration Connection is a valuable addition to the existing suite of adapters available to our users. This feature enhances your ability to test and configure Flows, making it easier to validate configurations without the need for actual delivery server or endpoint interactions. This feature allows users to deploy a Flow, along with a file as a payload, and expect to receive a successful execution confirmation with a "No Delivery Action Needed" message within the execution. For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to our support documentation on No Action Host Systems and Connections
Why we made the change
We made the change primarily to enhance the testing capabilities of Flow Configurations. Users can now simulate Flow Executions without impacting live servers or endpoints. This provides a safe and controlled environment for testing configurations and adapters.
This addition also supports developers who are building Open Connect adapters who can now leverage this feature to test their adapters seamlessly within the a Flow.
Quality of Life Improvements
We’ve implemented small quality of life improvements across the app to help your experience.
- Fixed error in badges on New Integration selection screen
- Fixed alignment issues with buttons on selection panels within Flow Configurations
- Moved information for Support Instructions in Flow Configurations to a more visible position.
- Updated Host Key ciphers for SFTP connections
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